Partially mixed estuary (اسم)
An ESTUARY that shows a small to moderate salinity change with DEPTH
اختلاط در دهانه رودخانه
مصب رودخانه که تغییرات آرام شوری با عمق را نشان میدهد
Particle size (اسم)
In dealing with sediments and sedimentary rocks it is necessary that precise dimensions should be applied to such terms as CLAY, sand, pebble, etc. Numerous scales have been suggested, but in this work, the Wentworth-Udden scale is used, as it is widely accepted as an international standard. In the table which follows, particle size limits are shown, but within most groups further subdivision is possible; for example, sand may be described as very fine, medium, coarse, very coarse. particle size is normally determined by hand measurement of pebbles, cobbles, and BOULDERS, sieving of GRAVEL, sand and silt and ELUTRIATION of silt and CLAY
اندازه ذره-دانهبندی
تقسیمبندی رسوبات و دانهها بر اساس اندازه آنها
ذرات |
Particle |
Size Range |
سنگ |
Boulder |
>256 mm.
تخته سنگ فرش |
Cobble |
64 – 256 mm. |
ریگ |
Pebble |
4 – 64 mm. |
شن |
Granule’, gravel |
2 – 4 mm. |
ماسه |
Sand |
1/16 – 2 mm. |
لایی |
Silt |
1/16 –1/256mm.
رس |
Clay |
1/16mm.< |
Peak period (اسم)
The wave period determined by the inverse of the frequency at which the wave energy spectrum reaches its maximum
دوره اوج
پریود حداکثر موج
Pebbles (اسم)
Beach material usually well-rounded and between about 4 mm to 64 mm diameter
مصالح ساحلی دایرهای شکل که بین 4 تا 64 میلیمتر قطر آنها میباشد
Peninsula (اسم)
An elongated portion of land nearly surrounded by water and connected to a larger body of land, usually by a NECK or an ISTHMUS
شبه جزیره یا تنگه خاکی
یک بخش کشیده شده از خشکی که توسط آب احاطه شده است و از طریق یک باریکه به خشکی بزرگتر متصل میشوند
Periodic (اسم)
Due to the effect of the tides; such CURRENTS may be rotating rather than having a simple back and forth motion. The CURRENTS accompanying tides are known as TIDAL CURRENTS
ناشی از اثر کشندها؛ چنین جریانهایی ممکن است بیشتر از یک جریان بازگشتی معمولی چرخش داشته باشند
Permanent or ocean (اسم)
constitute a part of the general ocean circulation. The term DRIFT CURRENT is often applied to a slow broad movement of the oceanic water
پایدار و یا اقیانوسی
بخشی از چرخش کلی اقیانوس
Photic zone (اسم)
The zone extending downward from the ocean surface within which the light is sufficient to sustain photosynthesis. The DEPTH of this layer varies with water clarity, time of year and cloud cover, but is about 100 m in the open ocean. It may be considered the DEPTH to which all light is filtered out except for about one percent and may be calculated as about two and one-half times the DEPTH of a SECCHI DISK reading
ناحیه فتوسنتز
منطقهای در زیر اقیانوس که نور خورشید میتواند درآن وارد شود و فتوسنتز در آن رخ میدهد (تقریباً 100متر زیر سطح دریا)
Pier (اسم)
A structure, usually of open construction, extending out into the water from the shore, to serve as a landing place, recreational facility, etc., rather than to afford coastal protection
اسکله-موج شکن
سازه روبازی که از ساحل به داخل آب گسترده شده است
Piping (اسم)
EROSION of closed flow CHANNELS (tunnels) by the passage of water through soil; flow underneath structures, carrying subsoil particles, may endanger the stability of the structure
فرسایش بواسطه عبور آب داخل خاک
Pixel (اسم)
An element of surface resulting from subdividing an image into the smallest identically shaped figures that give information about the location, intensity and perhaps color of the source, but such that no smaller subdivision will provide more information
پیکسل-جزئ تصویری
کوچکترین جزء یک تصویر که موقعیت و رنگ قسمتی از تصویر را مشخص میکند
Plateau (اسم)
(1) (Geographical) an elevated plain, tableland or flat-topped region of considerable extent. (2) (Oceanographical) an ELEVATION from the bottom of the ocean with a more or less flat top and steep sides
فلات-جلگه مرتفع
Plunge point (اسم)
(1) For a PLUNGING WAVE, the point at which the wave curls over and breaks. (2) The final breaking point of the waves just before the water rushes up the BEACH
نقطه شکست –نقطه پلانژِی
برای یک موج شیرجهای نقطهای که درآن موج میچرخد و میشکند
Plunging (اسم)
A crest curls over air pocket; breaking is usually with a crash. Smooth splash-up usually follows
خمیدگیهای تاج روی بستهی هوا؛ شکست عموماً با یک درهم شکستن همراه است. معمولاً صدای چلب و چلوب دلنوازی در ادامهی آن میآید
Pocket beach (اسم)
A BEACH, usually small, between two headlands
دریا کنار انبانه ای
ساحل کوچکی بین دو دماغه
Point (اسم)
(1) The extreme end of a CAPE, or the outer end of any land area protruding into the water, usually less prominent than a CAPE. (2) (SMP) A low profile SHORELINE PROMONTORY of more or less triangular shape, the top of which extends SEAWARD
نوک –سر
(آخرین نقطه انتهایی دماغه و یا هر منطقه زمینی بیرون آمده)
Point bar (اسم)
A stream bar deposited on the inside of a curve in the stream, where the water velocity is low
سد شنی رودپیچی -پشته رسوب
یک پشته از رسوبات تهنشین شده در ناحیه داخلی قوس آبراهه ( جائیکه سرعت آب کم است )
Port (اسم)
A place where vessels may discharge or receive cargo
جایی که شناورها بارگیری و یا تخلیه می شود
Progressive wave (اسم)
A wave which is manifested by the progressive movement of the wave form
موج پیشرونده
موجی که بواسطه حرکت پیشرو مشخص میشود
Promontory (اسم)
A high point of land extending into a body of water; a HEADLAND
نقطهای مرتفع از زمین که در داخل دریا گسترش یافته است