Ebb (اسم)

Period when tide level is falling; often taken to mean the EBB CURRENT which occurs during this period


دوره‌ای از جزرومد که سطح آب سقوط می‌کند

Ebb tidal delta (اسم)

The bulge of sand formed at the SEAWARD mouth of TIDAL INLETS as a result of interaction between tidal currents and waves. Also called inlet-  associated bars and estuary entrance shoals

دلتای ناشی از جزرومد

برآمدگی ماسه ای شکل در دهانه ورودی جزرومدی به عنوان نتیجه‌ای از برهم‌کنش جریان جزرومدی و امواج

Ebb tide (اسم)

A nontechnical term used for falling tide or EBB CURRENT. The portion of the tidal cycle between high water and the following low water

پسکشند-جریان جزر

جریان بازگشتی و یا بخشی از دوره جریان جزرومدی بین مد وجزر

Eddy (اسم)

A current of air, water, or any fluid, forming on the side of the main current, especially one moving in a circle; in extreme cases a whirlpool

گرداب کوچک

یک جریانی از آب و یا هوا و یا هر شاره دیگر که به شکل گردابی و یا دایره‌ای باشد

Edge wave (اسم)

An ocean wave parallel to the COAST, with crests normal to the shoreline. An EDGE WAVE may be standing or progressive. Its height diminishes rapidly seaward and is negligible at a distance of one wave length offshore

موج لبه‌ای

موجی موازی باساحل 

Embankment (اسم)

An artificial BANK, mound, DIKE, or the like, built to hold back water or to carry a roadway


یک ساحل مصنوعی و یا دیواره و یا شبیه به آن برای  محافظت از ساحل

Embayed (اسم)

Formed into a BAY or bays; as an embayed shore

خلیجی شدن

حبس کردن داخل خلیج

Embayment (اسم)

An indentation in a shoreline forming an open BAY

 The formation of a BAY

خلیج محصور

تشکیل شدن یک خلیج کوچک 

Emergent coast (اسم)

A COAST in which land formerly under water has recently been placed above sea level, either by uplift of the land or by a drop in sea level

ساحل سر برآورده

ساحلی که به تازگی در اثر پایین رفتن آب و یا بالا آمدن زمین  بیرون آمده است


Entrance (اسم)

The entrance to a navigable BAY, HARBOR or CHANNEL, INLET or mouth separating the ocean from an inland water body

ورودی(بندر –خلیج و...)

Escarpment (اسم)

A more or less continuous line of CLIFFS or steep slopes facing in one general direction which are caused by EROSION or faulting, also called SCARP


پرتگاه و یا شیب تندی که در اثر عوامل طبیعی به وجود آمده است

Estuary (اسم)

A semi-enclosed coastal body of water which has a free connection with the open sea. The seawater is usually measurably diluted with freshwater. The part of the river that is affected by tides

 The zone or area of water in which freshwater and saltwater mingle and water is usually brackish due to daily mixing and layering of fresh and salt water

مصب رود-خور

یک ساحل نیمه باز که یک اتصال آزاد به دریا دارد

Eulittoral (اسم)

That part of the LITTORAL ZONE less than 50 m in DEPTH

خوش ساحل

ناحیه ساحلی با کمتر از 50 متر عمق

Event (اسم)

An occurrence meeting specified conditions, e.g. damage, a threshold wave height or a threshold water level

رویداد (مانند تخریب)