National Tidal Datum Epoch (NTDE) (اسم)

A period of 19 years adopted by the National Ocean Service as the period over which observations of tides are to be taken and reduced to average values for tidal datums

مرجع ملی جزرومد

یک پریود 19 ساله پذیرفته شده توسط سازمان ملی اقیانوس‌شناسی به عنوان دوره زمانی مشاهده جریان جزرومد

Nautical mile (اسم)

Also known as GEOGRAPHICAL MILE, its length is 1852 meters (6076.115 feet), approximately 1.15 times as long as the statute mile of 5280 feet

مایل دریایی(طولی معادل 1852 متر)


Neap high water (اسم)

مد کهکشند

مراجعه شود به NEAP TIDE

Neap low water (اسم)

جزر کهکشند

مراجعه شود به NEAP TIDE

Neap range (اسم)

دامنه تغییرات کهکشند

مراجعه شود به NEAP TIDE

Neap tidal current (اسم)

Tidal current of decreased velocity occurring semimonthly as the result of the moon being in quadrature

جریان کهکشند

کاهش سرعت جریان جزرومدی در اثر برهم‌کنش ماه دو بار در ماه رخ می‌دهد

Neap tide (اسم)

Tide of decreased range occurring semimonthly as the result of the moon being in quadrature. The NEAP RANGE of the tide is the average semidiurnal range occurring at the time of neap tides and is most conveniently computed from the harmonic constants. The NEAP RANGE is typically 10 to 30 percent smaller than the mean range where the type of tide is either semidiurnal or mixed and is of no practical significance where the type of tide is DIURNAL. The average height of the high waters of the neap tide is called NEAP HIGH WATER or HIGH WATER NEAPS (MHWN), and the average height of the corresponding LOW WATER is called NEAP LOW WATER or LOW WATER NEAPS (MLWN)


کاهش  دامنه جزرومدی در اثر برهم‌کنش ماه دو بار در ماه رخ می‌دهد

Nearshore (اسم)

(1) In beach terminology an indefinite zone extending seaward from the SHORELINE well beyond the BREAKER ZONE. (2) The zone which extends from the swash zone to the position marking the start of the offshore zone, typically at water DEPTHS of the order of 20 m

نزدیک ساحل

1)منطقه نامعینی که از خط ساحلی به طرف دریا تا پس از منطقه شکست گسترش یافته است.

2)منطقه‌ای عموماً با عمق آب 20 متر

Neck (اسم)

(1) The narrow strip of land which connects a peninsula with the mainland, or connects two ridges. (2) The narrow band (rip) of water flowing seaward through the surf. See also RIP CURRENT

تنگه- گردنه

1)یک باریکه نازکی از زمین که به خشکی متصل است .

2) یک شبه جزیره را به سرزمین اصلی متصل می‌کند .

Ness (اسم)

Roughly triangular promontory of land jutting into the sea, often consisting of mobile material, i.e. a beach form.

دماغه –برجستگی

راس تقریبا مثلثی شکل از زمین که داخل دریا پیش آمده است.

Nip (اسم)

The cut made by waves in a shoreline of emergence

درگیر شدن منطقه ساحلی

خاک برداری توسط امواج از منطقه ساحلی

Nodal zone (اسم)

An area in which the predominant direction of the LONGSHORE TRANSPORT changes

ناحیه گره ای

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