Fairway (اسم)

The parts of a waterway kept open, and unobstructed, for navigation

مسیر کشتیرانی

راه‌ها و یا بخش‌هایی از آب که برای کشتیرانی باز می‌باشند

Fathom (اسم)

A measure of water DEPTH equal to 1.83 m (6 feet)

قولاج  - فاتوم

(واحد عمق پیمایی معادل با 83/1 متر)

Fault (اسم)

A fracture in rock along which there has been an observable amount of displacement. Faults are rarely single planar units; normally they occur as parallel to sub-parallel sets of planes along which movement has taken place to a greater or lesser extent. Such sets are called fault or fracture-zones


یک شکستگی در صخره  همراه با جابجایی قابل ملاحظه

Fetch (اسم)

The length of unobstructed open sea surface across which the wind can generate waves (GENERATING AREA)


بادگیر (طولی از دریای باز که باد می‌تواند موج تولید کند)

Fetch length (اسم)

(1) The horizontal distance (in the direction of the wind) over which a wind generates SEAS or creates WIND SETUP. (2) The horizontal distance along open water over which the wind blows and generates waves.

طول بادگیر

طولی از دریای باز که باد می‌تواند موج تولید کند

Fjord (اسم)

A long, narrow arm of the sea, usually formed by entrance of the sea into a deep glacial trough


(شاخه باریکی از آب)

Floating bog (اسم)

A grass or moss growth floating on a pool of water with high content of decayed vegetation, grass and moss roots

لجن‌زار و یا باتلاق شناور

Flood (اسم)

(1) Period when tide level is rising; often taken to mean the flood current which occurs during this period. (2) A flow above the CARRYING CAPACITY of a CHANNEL


زمانی‌که جزرومد بالا می‌آید –جریانی که  بیشتر از ظرفیت یک آبراهه یا کانال ایجاد می‌شود.

Flood mark (اسم)

Proof of any kind on the shoreline used to determine the highest level attained by the water surface during the flood (note the height of the flood mark usually includes the WAVE RUN-UP)

داغاب سیل

بلندترین تراز آب در طی مدت زمان اثر سیل

Flood tidal delta (اسم)

The bulge of sand formed at the LANDWARD mouth of TIDAL INLETS as a result of flow expansion

دلتای جزرومدی سیل

پشته ماسه‌ای شکل در ورودی مصب (دهانه جزرومدی) که در اثر افزایش جریان به وجود آمده است

Flood tide (اسم)

technical term used for rising tide or flood current. In technical language flood refers to current. The portion of the tidal cycle between LOW WATER and the following high water

سیلاب جزرومدی –کشند سیل

مدت زمان لازم برای صعود جریان جزر ومدی ویا سیل

Floodplain (اسم)

(1) A flat tract of land bordering a river, mainly in its lower reaches, and consisting of ALLUVIUM deposited by the river. It is formed by the sweeping of the meander belts downstream, thus widening the valley, the sides of which may become some kilometers apart. In time of flood, when the river overflows its banks, sediment is deposited along the valley banks and plains. (2) (SMP) Synonymous with 100-year floodplain. The land area susceptible to being inundated by stream derived waters with a 1 percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year

دشت سیلابی

سطحی از حاشیه رودخانه که رسوبات رودخانه در آن منطقه ته‌نشین شده‌اند. زمانی‌که در اثر سیل رودخانه سرریز می‌شود رسوبات در یک سطحی (جلگه) ته‌نشین می‌شوند

Foam (اسم)

The light-colored substance which is made up of an aggregation of bubbles, formed on the surface of liquids by violent agitation


مواد با رنگ روشن که به صورت حبابی شکل روی سطح آب وجود دارند

Foam line (اسم)

(1) The front of a wave as it advances shoreward, after it has broken. (2) Lines of foam such as those which move around the HEAD of a RIP

خط کف

خط کف و یا جوش (جبهه موج بعد از پیشروی به ساحل وقتی‌که دچار شکست می‌شود، خطی از کف ایجاد می‌شود.)

Foreshore (اسم)

(1) The part of the shore, lying between the BERM CREST and the ordinary LOW WATER mark, which is ordinarily traversed by the UPRUSH and BACKRUSH of the waves as the tides rise and fall. (2) The same as the BEACH FACE where unconsolidated material is present. (3) (SMP) In general terms, the BEACH between MEAN HIGHER HIGH WATER and MEAN LOWER LOW WATER.

پیش کرانه-پیش ساحل -جلوی ساحل

بخشی از ساحل بین تاج سکو و نشانه مد 

Freeboard (اسم)

The additional height of a structure above design high water level to prevent overflow. Also, at a given time, the vertical distance between the water level and the top of the structure

ارتفاع آزاد

پهلوی سطح آزاد (ارتفاع اضافی سازه بالای سطح تراز آب در مواجه با سرریزی)

Frontage (اسم)

Person or persons owning, and often living in, property immediately landward of the beach


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