
The application of multiple exposure and rote learning in passive and active vocabulary growth; a case of single word and phrase instruction among Iranian EAP students


رشته: آموزش زبان انگلیسی

مقطع: کارشناسی ارشد

سال دفاع:1393

دانشگاه دریانوردی و علوم دریایی چابهار


Vocabulary learning as Candlin (1988) believes is at the heart of language teaching. However, despite its crucial role in second language competence, "It has been undervalued" as Zimmerman (1997) announced. Lack a comprehensive and reliable guidelines in how to choose an appropriate vocabulary technique for different learning situations, is another difficulty in this context. Although many different ways of vocabulary enhancement may come to the mind of learners, their significance and effectiveness might be questionable. Rote is the process of learning by repetition (Cowie, 1989). However, despite its historical predominance, however, its effectiveness is a matter of disputes. Whereas Samian and Tavakoli (2012) for instance, found a positive attitude toward rote learning among Iranian EFL learners, similar to what was indicated by Kudo (2009) for Japanese students, and Li (2004) for Chinese EFL learners.  However, it was not assumed to be effective by Turkish EFL students (Subaşı, 2014), and in Hong Kong’s education (Cheung, 2000). Multiple exposure of the learners to target words through different texts is claimed to be another effective technique. However, there are still some contradictive evidences in this context, same as what was the case for rote learning. This research aimed to examine and compare the outcomes of these two different vocabulary learning techniques. It also aimed to make clear the influence of form of the vocabulary (phrase and single word), on the function of these two techniques .Furthermore, it also differentiated the results in two different levels of learning: passive knowledge (retention of the meaning in L1) and active knowledge (capability of their use). 19 Iranian BSc. students of management in an English course for Academic Purpose (EAP) Participated in this study. They mostly were men but about 6 were women. Their proficiency level of their general English appeared to be low. They were instructed 40 vocabulary items, 26 single words and 14 phrases, each type were divided equally to be treated differently. It was appeared at the end that rote learning was more effective in single word learning for passive knowledge. The same was almost the case for passive phrase knowledge, however, multiple exposure appeared to be a bit stronger than previous case. No meaningful superiority was shown in the case learning single word for active use. However, multiple exposure appeared two times more effective than rote learning in the case of learning phrases for the purpose of active use.  Low level of proficiency and cultural tendency may strengthen rote against multiple exposure in passive vocabulary growth.

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