
Quality Assessment Announcement for Aids to Navigation Signals



Ports & Maritime Organization

Ports & Maritime Organization

Quality Assessment Announcement for Aids to Navigation Signals
(Tender No: No.95/AE/1054)
Ports and Maritime Organization

This is hereby to announce that Ports & Maritime Organization (PMO) of I.R.Iran intends to proceed with Purchase of three Search and Rescue (SAR) Helicopter units for operation in the Persian Gulf, Oman Sea and Caspian Sea regions based on the quality assessment procedure and through A two-phase public international tender.

*Therefore, in order to carry out the quality assessment, all experienced manufacturer companies of the captioned equipment are invited to refer either to the central secretariat of the PMO, at the below mentioned address and upon presenting an introduction letter and the original bank receipt of 500,000 Iranian Rials paid to the Siba account No. 2176459001009 by Bank Melli Iran to receive a CD containing the Quality Assessment Forms and tender documents or the relevant website, IETS.MPORG.IR , maximum till Wednesday 2016/OCT/26.

*Place and deadline for submitting the quality assessment documents and completed worksheets: central secretariat of the PMO and to the last working hour on Wednesday
It should be emphasized that the relevant receipt against submitting the said documents and forms must be received and kept for further steps.
*The first question & answer session will be held at 10 A.M on Saturday 2016/Oct/29, at the PMO Directory General for Equipment Supply & Maintenance office and attendance of the informed technical and commercial representatives of all manufacturer companies of the aforementioned equipment which are willing to participate in quality assessment of tender is obligatory (together with a written introduction letter).

* The tender winner shall pay for newspaper advertisement costs.

*Address of the announcing organization: Ports and Maritime Organization, No.1, Dr. Shahidi St., Haghani Highway, Vanak Sq., Tehran, Iran.

*Fax: (+98) 21-88651194 Tel: (+98) 21-84932351
*E-mail: Technical@pmo.ir