PMO|Investment opportunities|Investment Opportunities

•       100% foreign company  ownership

•       100% of land ownership in case of establishing Iranian company

•       Up to 50% discount on port tariff for transit goods

•       Free customs duties

•       25-years tax exemption in free zones

•       Free right of exchange out of  free zones

•       Freedom to transfer foreign currency abroad in free zones

•       Freedom of capital movement

Special Economic Zone | Amirabad Port

Investment Opportunities and Priorities

  • Transit fuel activities including construction of reservoirs;
  • Conducting vehicle transit activities to  in CIS countries;
  • Conducting activities related to steel industries;
  • Conducting activities related to paper and wood industries;
  • Establishing an export terminal for petrochemical products;
  • Constructing a grain silo;
  • Constructing a power plant and power generation;
  • Providing food, water and fleet supplies.
  • Establishing waste collection and disposal facilities for ships.(Reception facilities).


Free Trade Zone| Anzali Port 

Investment Opportunities and Priorities

  • Repair maintenance and dry dock;
  • Constructing reservoirs and pipelines for transferring liquid and oil products of petrochemical downstream industries;
  • Purchasing passenger ships and opening a passenger terminal;
  • Constructing warehouses for storage of general cargos; and
  • constructing grain silos.


Special Economic Zone| Imam Khomeini Port

Investment Opportunities and Priorities

  • Establishment of Inland Container Depots (ICD);
  • Establishment of shipbuilding, dry docks & related industries;
  • Production & assembly of vehicles and industrial spare parts;
  • Petrochemical downstream industries;
  • Factory manufacturing for packaging and shipping supplies (Jumbo Bag, pallet, etc.);
  • Establishment of rail transport-related industries like wagon manufacturing and locomotive assembly;
  • Developing shipbuilding & drydock.
  • Construction of a grain terminal with capacity of 300 thousand tons.


Special Economic Zone| Shahid Rajaee Port

Investment Opportunities and Priorities

  • Establishing centers providing value-adding services;
  • Expanding and developing cargo re-export;
  • Attracting and developing transshipment;
  • Constructing grain silos;
  • Constructing cargo and container logistics terminals;
  • Constructing cold storage facilities for perishable goods;
  • Establishing storage facilities for bunkering services;
  • Establishing storage facilities for export, transit and swap of petrochemical products;
  • Reception facilities;
  • Constructing complexes for providing supplies and similar services to vessels;
  • Constructing storage facilities for edible oils; and
  • Constructing and operating water desalination systems and power plants


Special Economic Zone | Bushehr Port

Investment Opportunities and Priorities

  • Industrial and value-adding activities in Negin Port Complex;
  • Construction of petrochemical berths and terminals; and
  • Construction of raw material berths and terminals.


Chabahar Port

Investment Opportunities and Priorities

  • Constructing warehouses;
  • Constructing grain silos;
  • Constructing export terminals;
  • Constructing edible oil storage tanks;
  • Bunkering and catering services to ships; and
  • Partnership in implementing the Port Development Plan.


Free Trade Zone|Khorramshahr Port

Investment Opportunities and Priorities

  • Offering cargo transit & export services to Iraq;
  • Providing a storage & distribution center for imported goods;
  • Developing packaging & assembly industries;
  • Establishing cold storage and warehouses for keeping, processing & storing goods;
  • Offering vessel-related services;
  • Constructing storage tanks for petrochemical products for transit purposes;
  • Constructing a marine petrochemical logistics center; and
  • Offering marine recreational & tourism services.


Lengeh Port

Investment Opportunities and Priorities

  • Transiting vehicles to Central Asia;
  • Supplying fresh water, provisions and other similar operations;
  • Exporting minerals by large ships;
  • Developing passenger transfer through establishing new passenger lines and promoting the fleet;
  • Exporting fresh fruits and vegetables by reefer ships;
  • Attracting investment in container operations;
  • Transiting petrochemical products, with mazut as a priority;
  • Constructing new warehouses; and
  • Constructing berths for cargo and passenger operations (600 meters)

Special Economic Zone| Noshahr Port

Investment Opportunities and Priorities

  • Developing the port hinterland and supported areas.
  • Constructing commercial and petrochemical berths;
  • Constructing warehouses, yards and a second basin for the port;
  • Creating value-adding and processing industries;
  • Constructing cold storage facilities, export terminals and grain silos;
  • Participating in the construction of infrastructures and superstructures of 200 hectares of hinterlands; and
  • Possibility for establishing maritime travelling and tourism industry.