PMO|Maritime Safety & Security|LRIT & ISPS Code


Long Range Identification & Tracking (LRIT)

The Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) system for ships was ratified as an amendment to the chapter V of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) in the 81st  meeting of the maritime safety committee with the purpose of promoting the maritime safety and protecting the marine environment.

The LRIT regulation will apply to the following ship types engaged in international voyages:

  • Cargo ships, including high-speed crafts (HSC) of 300 gross tonnages and above;
  • All passenger ships including high-speed crafts;
  • Self-propelled mobile offshore drilling units (MODU).

These ships must report their identification number, geographical location, and the date and time of sending geographical location to their flag administration.

LRIT Beneficiaries:

  • Flag administration: permitted to receive information of the flagged vessels of the same country
  • Port states: permitted to receive information of the vessels which are going to enter the ports of that country
  • Coastal States: permitted to receive information of the vessels which are trafficking within 1000 miles of its coasts
  • Safety beneficiaries: including the search and rescue organizations

LRIT Management and Implementation in Iran

In Iran, The responsibility of LRIT management and implementation is given to the General Directorate of Marine Operation and Safety. In this regard, the following individuals are introduced to IMO for monitoring and Implementation of LRIT and the related regulations.

Seyed Hasan Ebrahimi, Telephone No.: +982184932149, +989153459100 (24-HR)

Email: sh.ebrahimi1349@gmail.com, h.ebrahimi@pmo.ir 

Mohammad Mahdavi Gorabi (SAR), Telephone No.: +982184932172, +989122067893, E-mail: mahdavi_m_g@yahoo.com 

Duties of Vessel Owners and Captains:
Equipment installation and receiving CTR reports:

  • A satellite terminal must be installed and activated in accordance with standards and requirements;
  • After installation of the related equipment and for testing them, the test report must be taken in accordance with IMO circular MSC.1/Circ.1307 by ASP companies authorized by the organization;
  • The CTR should be presented to the classified societies and other related authorities for extending the certificates related to the LRIT system (if necessary);
  • The equipment should always be checked to ensure the readiness and if the CTR certification is revoked, the owner should re-apply to obtain the CTR.


Required Documents 
Ships intending to enter ports of Islamic Republic of Iran are required to furnish the related ISPS Regional Headquarters with the following information: 

  • Valid ISSC and the name of the issuing authority
  • The security level at which the ship is currently operating
  • The security level  at which the ship operated in any previous port where it has conducted a ship/port interface
  • Detailed report of any probable special or additional security measures taken by the ship in any previous port where it has conducted a ship/port interface
  • Detailed report of  any appropriate ship security procedures maintained during any probable ship-to-ship activity
  • Detailed report of any other practical security-related information ( not  details of SSP ) if requested by PMO

 ISPS Port Facilities 



 Please refer to IMO GISIS website (as follows) to view the details of all the Iranian ISPS compatible port facilities.



Contact Details 

Single National Contact Point

Tel: +982184932534

Cell phone: +989123842659


E-mail:  hamidhed@yahoo.com


ISPS Headquarter

Tel: +982184932554

Cell phone:+989123842649

Fax: +982188651188

E-mail:  hamidhed@yahoo.com