At early 90's, Ports and Maritime Organization has launched various research projects in the field of marine parameters monitoring and modeling in order to satisfy the need of having a comprehensive database as an authorized organization.
Using mathematical simulation for hydrodynamic phenomenon, sedimentation and hydrography along with equipping ports and coastal area with site measurement systems (permanent and temporary) were the main parts of this process, which are explained in details in the following paragraphs.
a) Marine Parameters Database:
1. Wave buoys: a significant number of wave buoys were installed at Caspian Sea, Persian Gulf and Oman Sea in order to measure meteorology (wind velocity and direction, temperature, relative humidity, and air pressure) and oceanography (wave, salinity and water temperature) data.
2. Water level flocculation: a number of stations were utilized to measure tide variation at northern and southern ports.
b) Iranian Sea Wave Modeling (ISWM):
In this research Iranian sea waves for duration of 12 years were modeled using Mike 21. The wave rose were derived from wind data (simulated by ECMWF).
c) Monitoring and Modeling of Iranian Coasts:
Sustainable developments in accordance with political, economic and social goals are going to be the final achievements of this plan.
The main objectives of this project are as follows:
1. Gathering hydrodynamic and morphological data to be used in the integrated coastal zone management plan of the Iran (ICZM), the Iranian commercial ports master plan, tourism along the coasts, discern of codes and standards of marine construction, and coastal land use.
2. Observing the existing problems in studied coastal areas and provision of engineering solutions to solve these problems.
3. Achieving a reliable source of information to be used in studying and designing coastal and offshore structures in the studied regions.
4. Completing the comprehensive plan of the optimized network of marine parameters measured in the northern and southern waters.
d) PMO Dynamics:
Persian Model for Ocean Dynamics is an Iranian numerical model developed for coastal engineering studies by Iranian experts. The growing need to a coastal engineering software and dealing with difficulties such as lack of technical knowledge transfer, and considering the need to a valid native numerical model, the Ports & Maritime Organization (PMO) decided to invest in development of this model.
This model is applicable in various fields of coastal engineering. It can simulate in tidal currents, wind-driven currents, Coriolis induced currents, currents in large scale environments (oceans), wave-generated currents. Also, this model can be applied for large and small scale wave generation and wave propagation simulations, coastal morphology, sediment transportation and finally tidal analysis and tidal parameters extraction.
e) Iranian Integrated Coastal Zone Management:
IRICZM is a dynamic, integrated and evolutionary program which aims to strike a balance between the conflicting interests of different parties in coastal zone on the basis of coastal ecological capabilities and long-term developmental needs.
Integrated Coastal Zone Management