
Advantages and Legal Facilities of Port Special Economic Zones

  • Entry and exit of cargo without being charged (port dues, customs tariffs and Commercial interests)
  • Exemption from all other tariffs payable inside the country;
  • Exemption from the entrance charge for importing goods produced inside these zones into the mainland equal to their related value added activities;
  • Transferring or selling goods imported to these zones in form of separate warehouse receipts which are negotiable for interested parties;
  • Issuance of separate warehouse receipts which are negotiable, as well as certificates of origin for imported or exported cargos;
  • Possibility for extending the cargo resting time within these zones;
  • Employment opportunities for domestic and foreign residents, with simply defined conditions under the special regulations for employment in such zones;
  • Possibility for the export, transit, transshipment, and re-export of cargos under no constraints from customs regulations, and enjoying special discounts from the port charges;
  • Entry and exit of cargo without being charged for cargos to be processed, produced, transformed, completed and so on;
  • Possibility for importing machineries, spare parts, vehicles, and raw materials which are required for production or completion of parts, without paying the entrance fees;
  • Manufactured inside the zone, the cargo is sent to the mainland without going through the lengthy formal procedures;
  • No constraints for entry or exit of capitals, and full freedom for cooperation and investments by national or foreign residents or entities;
  • Guaranteeing foreign investments and the benefits resulting from them;
  • Transfer of lands and storage areas by renting under competitive prices to interested parties and potential investors under short and long term contracts;
  • Possibility for production of industrial products to be distributed in the Iranian markets or those of the other countries, or that for the export of manufactured goods (except for those with added value) to the other countries without depositing foreign exchange guarantees; and commodity wholesaling in a  facilitated condition

Advantages and Legal Facilities of Port Industrial and Free Trade Zones

  • Possibility for cooperation and investment of national or foreign residents or entities in economic activities of the industrial and free trade zones under any proportions or percentages;
  • Enjoying special regulations for employment and social insurances for applying foreign residents as work force;
  • Establishment and operation of Iranian insurance institutes in national and foreign investments, as well as their branches or certified offices of similar insurance services from other countries inside the zone under the related regulations;
  • Establishment and operation of Iranian banks and financial facilities companies with national and foreign investments, inside the zone under the related regulations;
  • Enjoying exemption from tax schemes for any kind of economic activity inside the zones;
  • Possibility for all the negotiations, payments and transfers for national and foreign residents to be conducted in foreign exchange currencies;
  • Full freedom for transfer of all foreign exchange currencies into and out of the zones, and their exchange without any constraints;
  • Possibility for the transit and re-export of goods without any constraints;
  • Possibility for the national and foreign residents or entities to sell goods in retail;
  • Possibility for entry of any kind of goods into the zone , except for those items forbidden by the legal or religious regulations, with minimum official procedures, while observing the relevant health, security and cultural regulations and standards;
  • Exemption from customs tariffs for the entry of the goods produced or processed inside these zones into the mainland in proportion to their added value provided, as well as the amount of Iranian raw materials used for their production;
  • Issuance of the certificates of origin for the cargos to be exported from these zones;
  • Possibility for employment of foreign personnel and workers up to a regulated 10 percent of all the workforce in each production unit in that system; and
  • Full freedom for transfer of capitals and the profits of economic activities into or out of these zones.

Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Act (FIPPA)

  • Providing special rebates as well as supporting foreign investment
  • Possibility of transferring capital and shares to domestic or foreign investors
  • Protecting foreign investment though state of the art banking within the state