PMO|Maritime Safety & Security|Port State Control


Manual for Port State Control in Iranian Ports (PSC)


Port State Control is one of the established methods of monitoring the technical and safety conditions of vessels, as well as identifying and preventing the navigation of sub-standard vessels. States are hereby able to implement the international conventions, regulations and standards related to safety of navigation and marine environment protection for the flagged and foreign vessels operating within their jurisdictions. States are authorized to inspect the fulfillment of the requirements specified in maritime conventions such as SOLAS, MARPOL, Load Line, etc. and take restrictive and remedial actions for vessels in evident noncompliance with these conventions.

 In order to achieve the above mentioned objectives and establish a unified inspection system, states in different regions conclude memorandum of understanding in order to strictly and uniformly monitor navigation of vessels, get the information on safety and technical conditions of vessels entering the regional ports applying special data software, and minimize the entrance of sub-standard vessel to the regional waters and ports. The Indian Ocean Memorandum of Understanding (IOMOU) is one of such memoranda concluded by Australia, Bangladesh, Djibouti, Eritrea, India, Iran, Kenya, Maldives, Mauritius, Mozambique, Myanmar, Oman, Seychelles, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, and Yemen.  Iran is regarded as one of the major and most active member States.

Using its experienced and skillful officers, the Ports and Maritime Organization as the National Maritime Administration has accepted the sensitive responsibility for conducting inspections on foreign vessels (PSC), Iranian flagged vessels (FSC) and traditional and non-convention sized vessels (GT>500)



 Analyses of the available statistics show that deficiencies on vessels belong to the following categories:

  •  Safety (survival at sea and firefighting)
  •  Marine environment protection
  •  Machinery

The Ports and Maritime Organization has therefore decided to provide the ship owners and shipping companies with information on the stages of inspection and a list of the items to be checked in order to avoid detention of vessels and creation of undue delays. It must be noted that what follows is a summary of inspections, and technical and safety inspections (PSC & FSC) are not limited to these items.


Port State Control Procedures

  • Inspection of the vessel's conditions would start with the following:
  • Observing the general conditions of the vessel, equipment,
  • Operation and performance of the crew;
  • Controlling the vessel's documents and certificates;
  • Inspecting areas with the most reported deficiencies.
  • Bear in mind that observing the following when boarding
  • the vessel may negatively influence the PSCO's
  • Impression about the condition of the vessel:
  • Dirty or oily gangways;
  • No monitoring on entrances and exits;
  • Daydreaming watchmen;
  • Messy decks and accommodations;
  • Crew in doubt of their duties.
Inspection of Documents and Certificates in the Master's Office

The first stage of the inspection starts with checking the statutory certificates of the vessel and the crew. The PSCO wants to make sure that the statutory certificates required by national and international regulations, as well as other documents of the vessel and the crew are present and valid.

Some certificates, such as IOPP attachments or Safety Equipment Certificate will tell the PSCO what equipment is on board, and what related procedures are required. The Master must make sure of the existence of the original version of these certificates before the PSCO boards the vessel.


The main certificates and documents to be inspected at this stage are:
  • Registration Certificate
  • Safe Manning Certificate
  • Personnel Qualification Certificate and its endorsement
  • Safety Equipment Certificate
  • Radio Equipment Certificate
  • Certificates of annual and periodical surveys of the hull and machinery
  • ISM Certificate
  • Damage Insurance documents
  • GMDSS Logbook and Bridge Logbook
  • Reports of lifeboat and firefighting drills
  • Oil Record Book
  • Receipt of sludge and garbage delivered to the port


On the Bridge

Bridge inspections generally focus on:
  • Operational and navigation equipment
Equipment such as radar(s), echo sounder, magnetic and electronic compass, GPS, radio and communication equipment including GMDSS and AIS, and distress equipment like EPIRB and radar transponder are the most important navigation equipment, any problem in the proper functioning of which may seriously endanger safety of lives and navigation.
The PSCO will examine their performance, and if any of the equipment need periodical servicing, the date of such servicing will be considered.
  • Nautical publications, charts and posted information
The latest versions of IMO publications and other guidelines required for ready reference must be available on board. Charts and tide tables must be up-to-date, and their latest corrections must be made based on the Notice to Mariners.
  • English speaking ability of the communication officer or any other person in charge of communication
  • Officers' familiarity with the equipment and publications, procedures and requirements in respect of log and record keeping.
Deck and accommodations

The PSCO will inspect the deck and accommodations carefully to examine the following conditions:
  • Excessive cracking, rusting and corrosion of the hull and the deck surface;
  • Water tightness of hatch covers and any other entrance that must be watertight;
  • Air pipes and ventilators to make sure of proper functioning of closing devices;
  • Suitable and hygienic accommodations including quarters, bathing facilities, etc. Clean galleys and cooking equipment have especial importance.
Safety equipment

In general, the PSCO at this stage initially inspects the availability of mandatory equipment and their conditions on board, and then proceeds to inspect the personnel and crew's familiarity with maintenance and operation of the safety equipment, and the duties of each of the personnel in relation with the assigned responsibilities.

The inspections cover the following two categories:
1. Fire Fighting Appliances
• Main and Emergency Fire Pumps
These pumps must be in proper working condition, and be capable of taking sea suction and maintaining the proper line pressure in accordance with the provisions of maritime conventions. All gauges must be operational and the guide for working with the pumps must be posted in a suitable place.


• Fire Dampers and Doors
The fire dampers must be in good working (opening-closing) condition and recently examined internally and externally. The external ventilation trunk must be marked to show damper flap position – OPEN or CLOSE. The location of fire dampers must be locatable on the Fire Control Plan.


• Fire Fighting Equipment
The fire/smoke/heat detectors must have been tested for proper operation. Fire stations must be in good working condition without any corrosion or leakage. Fixed and portable fire extinguishing systems must have been periodically serviced by approved companies, with the date of servicing mentioned on their documents.


• Fire Control Plan
Fire Control Plan must be up-to-date with appropriate IMO markings. Emergency control stations must be clean and equipped with applicable safety equipment. Remote and quick closing devices must be in good operating order.


2. Lifesaving Appliances
• Lifeboats
The lifeboat structure (hull integrity, seats/thwarts, flooring releasing hook connections to the boat, releasing gear, tiller/gudgeons) will be checked for proper maintenance and operation.
The engine must be in good working condition, and the operational drills carried out must be recorded. The lifeboat equipment will be checked for proper quantity, expiration date and condition, and release and launch mechanisms will be tested if required.


• Lifeboat and Life raft Davits

Davits must be in good working condition, and be operationally tested. Davits should be checked for wastage, proper hoisting/lowering and braking function.
Sheaves and loose gear must not be worn. Wires have been serviced and changed out as necessary. Limit switches and winches must have been tested.

• Emergency Power

The emergency generator and power batteries will be operationally tested. The generator must be capable of coming online within 45 seconds.


• Life rafts
Life rafts must have been services by approved companies and proper servicing certificates must be kept onboard for reference. Life rafts must be properly secured, and launching arrangements must be in good condition (as applicable) with no obstructions for float free operation.


• Lifesaving Equipment
The proper number of lifejackets with lights, whistles and lines, light and smoke markers must be available in accordance with maritime conventions. The equipment with expiry dates must be up-to-date and valid.


Machinery Spaces
Inspections of the machinery spaces are carried out with the aim promoting safety and identifying the potential causes of fire, personnel injury and electric hazards. In other words, the PSCO inspects the machinery spaces in order to ensure their compliance with ISM and the crew's familiarity with the operation of equipment like oily water separator, emergency fire pumps, and emergency steering gear.
The inspections cover the following categories:
Any kind and amount of oil leakage from main engines, FO/LO processors and other equipment must be eliminated. Negligence in this regard and existence of oily instruments and spaces can lead to detentions.


Oily Water Separator
The oily water separator equipment and accessories like 15ppm alarm, automatic stopping devices, alarms, piping systems and gauges will be operationally checked. No unauthorized piping or electrical modifications must have been made, and the Oil Record Book must be correctly filled out and signed by the Chief Engineer.


Main and Auxiliary Engines
Engines will be inspected on the performance of all equipment and accessories including gauges, emergency shut downs, automatic changeovers and quick closing valves, as well as operationally of emergency arrangements.


High Pressure Fuel Lines
High pressure fuel lines must be jacketed and spray shields must be in place as required.


Steering Gear

The main and emergency steering gear will be tested to ensure the proper functioning of hydraulic pumps and electric parts.



9 ship detained during the CIC 

The Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Emergency System and Procedures was carried out in the Indian Ocean MOU region between 1 September 2019 and 30 November 2019. 

This campaign was conducted in conjunction with the CIC carried out by the Tokyo MoU, Paris MoU and other MoUs. 


 The Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on MARPOL Annex VI was carried out in

the Indian Ocean MOU region between 1 September 2018 and 30 November 2018. The

CIC was aimed to establish the level of compliance with the requirements of MARPOL

Annex VI within the shipping industries and to create awareness amongst the ship

crews and the ship owners with regards to the importance of compliance with the

provisions of MARPOL Annex VI and the prevention of air pollution. This campaign was

conducted in conjunction with the CIC carried out by the Tokyo MoU, Paris MoU and

other MoUs.

 Analysis of CIC on Safety of Navigation (SOLAS Ch. V) 2017

During the nineteenth Committee meeting, it was decided to carry out a Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Safety of Navigation (SOLAS Ch. V) in the Indian Ocean Region, in conjunction with the Paris and Tokyo MOUs, from 01st September to 30th November 2017.


Report and Analysis of CIC on Cargo Securing Arrangements

between 1st September to 30st  November 2016



8 ships detained during the CIC 

The Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Crew Familiarization for Enclosed Space Entry was carried out in the Indian Ocean MoU region between 1st September 2015 and 30th November 2015. This campaign was conducted in conjunction with the CIC carried out by the Tokyo MoU and the Paris MoU.

During the course of the campaign member Authorities  of the IOMOU carried out   inspections of 1454 individual ships  with 83 detentions out of which 1,137 inspections of individual ships  covering 58 flags were undertaken using the CIC questionnaire, and total of  8 ships were detained for the CIC related deficiencies, resulting a CIC topic related detention rate of 0.70%.

The highest number of CIC inspections were carried out on ships under the flag of Panama with 293  (25.76%) followed by Hong Kong, China with 141 (12.40% ) inspections, Singapore with 108 (9.49%) and Liberia with 107 (9.41%) inspections. A total of 5 flags had CIC-related detentions, Vietnam, Panama and Republic of Korea had 2 number each of CIC related detentions followed by Japan and Saint Kitts & Nevis 1 each.  These flags cover 29.81% of the CIC inspections. 

Type of ships detained for CIC-related deficiencies; 4 (50%) were Bulk Carrier, 2 (25%) were General cargo/multi-purpose ship and 1 each (12.5%) of Heavy Load Carriers and Offshore service vessel.

 A total of 21 flags covering 4.04% of the total CIC inspections had no CIC-related deficiencies. A total of  37  flags covering  26.82% of the total CIC inspections had  494 CIC related deficiencies.   A total of 53 flags covering 70.19% of the CIC inspections had no CIC-related detentions at all.

With regard to the ship type, the highest number of CIC inspections accounted were Bulk Carriers 627 (55%) followed by container ship 100 (8.7%), Chemical Tankers 90 (7.9%)  and General Cargo/Multi-Purpose ship  83 (7.3%), rest were of other types. 

The most significant deficiencies found during the campaign were related to questionnaire 2, 4, 5, 7 and 9, are  as follows:

.1 training in the use of the equipment by the crew members responsible for testing the atmosphere in enclosed spaces (4%)

.2 crew members responsible for enclosed space emergency duties, familiar with those duties (4%)

.3 availability of the training manual on board and its contents complete and customized to the ship (17%)

.4 participation of ship’s crew in an enclosed space entry and rescue drill on board the ship at least once every two months in accordance with SOLAS Chapter III, Regulation 19.3.3 (4%)

.5 outcome of the enclosed space entry and rescue drill and compliance with the requirements of SOLAS Chapter III, Regulation 19.3.6 (5%).

The results of the campaign will be further analyzed, including additional information gathered, and findings will be presented to the 19th meeting of the Port State Control Committee in September 2016, after which the report will be submitted to the International Maritime Organization.





PSC Centers

Latest UpdateFebruary 27, 2017
Imam KhomeiniKhuzestan009861522824820098615228248300986152282465
Arvand KenarKhuzestan006163244657
Bandar AbbasHormozgan009876335140250098763212264000987633514025
ChabaharSistan and Baluchestan00985435321212009821442695393
Amir AbadMazandaran00981134122020098113462301500981134512202
Fereidoon KenarMazandaran0098113566450700981135664490
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