Iran, India signed contract for equipping and operation of Chabahar Port
To promote bilateral and regional transit and trade and facilitate strategic partnership of Iran and India, the contract for equipping and operation of Shahid Beheshti Port in Chabahar is inked today in Tehran.
Tehran, May 13, 2024 (MRUD NEWS)—Iran Minister of Roads and Urban Development, Mehrdad Bazrpash, met with India's Minister of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, Sarbananda Sonowal, today in Tehran in order to sign the contract for partnership of the India Ports Global Ltd (IPGL) in equipping and operation of the freight and container terminals of Shahid Beheshti  Port in Chabahar. 
The signing of this contract is considered a turning point in bilateral and regional cooperation and facilitate strategic partnership between Iran and India.
One of the major goals of concluding this contract, which was achieved as a result of the expert negotiations of joint task forces, are realizing goals of the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC), the tripartite transit agreement of Iran, India and Afghanistan for international transit and transport through the Chabahar Port signed in 2016, and development of multimodal transit and transport cooperation between Iran and India in the Central Asian region within the framework of the strategic cooperation between India and Central Asia.
Further, strengthening and facilitating transit cooperation between India and Afghanistan through Iran's territory, developing the eastern parts of the Makran coasts, and developing regional cooperation between Iran, India and Russia for joint investments in the regional transport and transit infrastructure are among other goals of this contract. 
As per this agreement, in order to equip and develop the Shahid Beheshti Port of Chabahar, Iran's Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) will hand over parts of the freight and container terminals of the Shahid Beheshti Port of Chabahar to India for 10 years while India invests $120 million for supply of strategic equipment of the Port and $250 million in the transport infrastructures of Chabahar Port. 
According to this contract, the parties are committed to fulfill their obligations in facilitating transit along the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) and will develop shipping lines between the ports of the two countries and attracting container transit.
In January 2024, Iran Minister of Roads and Urban Development, met with India's foreign minister, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, in Tehran in order to negotiate finalizing the agreement for development of Chabahar Port.  The two sides conferred on previous actions for equipping Chabahar Port and also a final agreement in this regard. 
Also, in August 2022, Iran and India's transport Ministers visited in Tehran to expand the role of Chabahar Port in regional transit and trade.
There are two important transport protocols between Iran and India with regards to the Chabahar Port. One is the joint cooperation on the development of the Shahid Beheshti Port at Chabahar signed in 2015. This is meant to realize the vision of Chabahar Port as a major regional and international hub for freight transit. Additionally, there is the trilateral transit agreement for international transit and transport through the Chabahar Port signed by Iran, India, and Afghanistan in 2016.
The Chabahar Port as an ocean Port located in the southeastern Province of Sistan and Baluchestan Province in Iran is considered a crucial gateway for India to gain access to Afghanistan, Central Asia, and Russia bypassing Pakistan.
May 13, 2024
Number of visit 58
Chabahar port is ready for private investors for next phases
Director General of Transit, Logistics and International Agreements of the Ports and Maritime Organization, stating that Chabahar Portready to attract domestic and foreign investors for the next phases, said: currently, 3 trillion dollars of new maritime investment is being made in the world, one-dollar marine economy investment has a return of 5 dollars.
According to the information provided by the news portal of the Ports and Maritime Organization, Khosro Saraei, Director General of Transit, Logistics and International Agreements of the Ports and Maritime Organization, referring to the 9-point notification of the supreme leader of the revolution on the issue of marine-oriented development, stated in the group of reporters: in the past months, the Ports and Maritime Organization played a role in drafting this document and in the notifications of the CEO of Ports Organization has come to pay attention to this matter.
In response to the question that despite the existence of 15-16 maritime institutions and organizations and their islanding operation, what role will the Ports Organization play as the governance authority of the country's maritime sector in the subject of sea-oriented development? And what is the duty of the private sector? He said: in the first clause of the general policies of maritime-oriented development, integrated policymaking has been mentioned, and agile management, integration, and quick response are important in this matter, which is noted in the first clause of the published policies of the revolution leader.

chabahar port

He continued: 70 economic activities relate to the maritime and port, where transportation and shipping are just one of them. The maritime countries have not stopped in their territorial waters and are busy extracting minerals in the oceans outside of their 200 miles of privacy. Aquaculture, marine tourism, renewable and clean energy, seawater desalination, shipbuilding, etc. are part of the subject related to the marine-oriented economy. He also stated: UNCTAD has determined that in the economy, the marine economy helps the national economy and the economy stability. In the whole world, we have 3 trillion dollars of new marine investment.
Director General, stating that the Ports and Maritime Organization has played an essential role in the strategic area of Chabahar port, said: tariffs in Chabahar are competitive and we have more maritime activities in this port than last year. He added: the negotiations to attract investment in Iran's ports are ongoing. At the moment, Indians are present in the first phase of Chabahar port; however, this subject does not prevent the presence of other companies and countries in the next phases of investment in Chabahar, and we are ready to attract domestic and foreign investments. The active role of India and Russia in the North-South Corridor is related to the facilities we provide for them. The more facilities we provide in the North-South Corridor, the more the beneficiary countries will prefer to use the route. 
Here, a short background and a link to the Chabahar website should be added as well as some figures. 
The Director General eventually pointed out: we have multimodal transportation within the country; however, the transit issue is a multimodal discussion and requires extensive coordination. The data and documents must be exchanged electronically in transportation, if the logistics standpoint takes place in the country, the development in this sector will be fast.
Dec 11, 2023
Number of visit 96
Simultaneous operation of unloading and loading of 71250 tons oil vessels in Emam Khomeini port
The Deputy Director of Port and Economic Affairs of Khuzestan Ports, referring to the operation of the largest and most equipped terminal for petroleum products in the country's commercial ports in the Special Economic Zone of Imam Khomeini Port, announced a record for the simultaneous unloading and loading of petroleum products, amounting to 71,250 tons.
According to the information provided by the news portal of the Ports and Maritime Organization, Daud Chegni said: At the same time with the operation of unloading and transferring light oil materials from the vessel to its storage tanks in the oil zone of the Imam Khomeini port complex, the process of loading oil materials from the tanks to the vessel has also been carried out.
The Deputy Director of Port and Economic Affairs pointed out that the operation of the largest and most equipped terminal for petroleum products in commercial ports of the country in the special economic zone of Imam Khomeini Port; besides improving the operational and logistic indicators of the port and speeding up port operations, has increased the volume of transit and transportation of petroleum products and obtained the satisfaction of the owners of goods and shipping companies through this port.

بندر امام خمینی

Here, a short background and a link to the Imam Khomeini port website should be added as well as some figures.
It is worth mentioning that the previous record of unloading and loading at the same time was 56 thousand tons in 1401.
Dec 11, 2023
Number of visit 97
Head of Iran's Ports and Maritime Organization's message to the 33rd meeting of the IMO Assembly/ Iran is committed to all the requirements and international maritime treaties
In a message to the 33rd session of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in London, the Deputy Minister of Roads and Urban Development and the CEO of the Ports and Maritime Organization emphasized the compliance of the requirements contained in the maritime treaties by the Islamic Republic of Iran and Iran's constructive cooperation with the sea and coast governments and international organizations.
At the beginning of this message, which was read by Ali Akbar Marzban, Director General of Maritime Affairs, Specialized and International Organizations of this entity in a video conference with the IMO Assembly, having declared disgust and condemned the brutal attacks of the Israeli occupying forces against the oppressed and defenseless people of Palestine in Gaza, he reflected Iran's dissatisfaction against the American and British governments obstruction of holding a parallel event of World Maritime Day in Tehran and the discriminatory and destructive actions of the American government against Iranian-flagged ships.
According to the report, the message reads:
In the name of God, the compassionate, the merciful
First of all, I would like to remind you of the innocent and undefended people of Gaza. These days and in this civilized world, a genocide is happening in a small part of Palestine land. The nation and the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, like many others in the world, have strongly manifested their hatred towards these violent crimes by the occupying Zionist Regime, and condemn the serious  bombardment and shuddering criminal actions against the women, children, infants, hospitals and schools in Gaza. 
(Now my general statement addressing the IMO Assembly)
His Excellency, President of Assembly
His Excellency, Secretary General of IMO
The distinguished Representatives of IMO Member States and the International Organizations
Ladies and Gentlemen,
First, we would like to express our sincere congratulations for the assignment of the president for the 33rd session of IMO Assembly. I hope that the Assembly could attain its objectives.
Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Maritime economy, including maritime transportation has always been the top priority of national policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In this regard, in November 2023, the general policies in relation with maritime economy development, have, with the consultation of all stakeholders, been developed by the State Expediency Discernment Council and approved by the Supreme Leader of the country, His Excellency Ayatollah Khamenei. We believe that a substantial portion of these policies will be implemented in line with the constructive interactions and cooperation with other nations, particularly with the governments in the region and international organizations, on top of which being IMO. Surely, that would happen within a peaceful, safe and secure atmosphere and environment. 
In this line, the Islamic Republic of Iran has always been obliged to complying with the requirements as set out in the related maritime treaties. We all know that the governing spirit of all these instruments and the IMO convention is promoting the collateral partnership and cooperation of member states. However, unfortunately, we have witnessed that the US government acts against the provisions of the IMO Convention, SOLAS and other treaties and continuously disrupts the services being provided to the Iranian flagged ships, including the satellite services. Therefore, it is expected that all key players including contracting governments, IMO and IMSO prevent and hinder these discriminatory actions by all means, as they are in clear conflict with the above - mentioned principles.
Mr. President,  Secretary General,  Ladies and Gentlemen, According to IMO Council approval, it was decided that the Islamic Republic of Iran would be hosting the World Maritime Day Parallel Event in October 2023. However, in 129th session of IMO Council, the US and the UK governments prevented this event to be held, presenting some absurd accusations. We would like to express our dissatisfaction of this unprofessional and immoral action, which happened with a political influence and propaganda. We urge the IMO member states to be vigilant and never let IMO divert from its technical and professional path.

Finally, I would like to thank and appreciate Mr. Kitack Lim for his precious endeavors during his leadership as IMO secretary general and ask God to give him and his family the best of luck and health.

Meanwhile, I wish to commemorate our late IMO representative, Mrs. Mandana Mansoorian, the vice chair of IMO’s technical cooperation committee, who passed away in February 2023 due to an illness. I pray for her soul to rest and be in peace.
I wish you all the best and thank you for listening to my speech
Nov 29, 2023
Number of visit 115
Statement of the Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) of the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding the Prevention of IR Iran from Hosting IMO Parallel Event of World Maritime Day
Statement of the Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) of the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding the Prevention of IR Iran from Hosting IMO Parallel Event of World Maritime Day

The Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) as the duly authorized maritime administration of the Islamic Republic of Iran reacted against the actions of the Governments of the United States and United Kingdom in preventing the Iranian hosting of the IMO Parallel Event of World Maritime Day in 2023, and declared in an official statement: “Such an action is a clear sign of desperation and pettiness of a few treacherous and oppressive governments, and will not weaken the resolve of the Iranian government and nation, and the port and maritime community thereof, to participate actively in IMO activities and progress toward sea-based economy.”

According to the official news website of the PMO, the above statements continued: “The hosting of the mentioned event in October 2023 was cancelled under the vain efforts of the American and British Governments, and the support of a few western governments foolishly following the US Government, under groundless accusations that Iran intended to jeopardize maritime safety and security. That is while Iran as a undisputed regional power continuously strives to promote maritime safety and security, and protect the marine environment, as confirmed and commended by the IMO in 2011. The mentioned governments, however, have always resorted to threats, intimidation and even destructive operations, whether in territorial and regional waters or high seas, in order to violate the rights of this country to its vessels and cargos, against international laws, and disrupt such peaceful maritime commerce, while threatening safety and security of the seafarers.

It is our firm belief that such illegal, immoral and non-technical actions led by two oppressive governments, against an event of festivity and commendation of seafarers and maritime community, arises from their outrageous failures and fiascos in exerting economic pressure and sanctions against Iran, focusing on the petroleum and maritime industries, which further proves their evil intentions and desperation in the face of the honorable Iranian nation on one side, and their manipulation and abuse of international specialized and technical organizations for their political agendas on the other.

We are certain that such actions as a clear sign of desperation and pettiness of a few treacherous and oppressive governments, will not weaken the resolve of the Iranian government and nation, and the port and maritime community thereof, to participate actively in IMO activities and progress toward sea-based economy.” 

Jul 22, 2023
Number of visit 1346
First Iranian ship docked at Libyan port after 10 years
TEHRAN, Jul. 16 (MNA) – Iran's embassy in Libya announced that last Wednesday, the first Iranian ship docked at Libya's Misrata Port after nearly ten years.
The Iranian embassy in Libya has recently resumed its activities after sending a diplomatic delegation to Tripoli.
Einollah Souri, head of the Iranian diplomatic delegation in Libya, said that during the past few days, favorable negotiations have been held with Libyan officials.
The negotiations indicate the strong will of the parties to develop relations, especially in the economic and commercial fields, Souri added.
The security conditions in Libya have been improved to a favorable level and living conditions are completely normal, he said adding that Iran hopes to develop the level of bilateral relations between Tehran and Tripoli.
Jul 17, 2023
Number of visit 1851
Iran, India Brace for Developing Chabahar Port: CEO of PMO
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A major part of the disputes between Iran and India has been settled regarding the development of the Chabahar Port, the chief executive of Iran’s Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) said.
Ali Akbar Safaei pointed to a visit by an Indian delegation to Iran last week and said constructive talks were held during the visit to settle the differences regarding a long-term contract for the development of the Chabahar Port.
It is hoped that the remaining stumbling blocks between Iran and India would be settled during upcoming visits by Indian delegations to Iran for finalizing a long-term contract to develop Chabahar port, the deputy roads minister stated.
The dispute between Iran and India was not supposed to be raised at international courts but it was an issue between the two friendly countries and will be resolved soon, he continued.
Elsewhere in his remarks, he pointed to the development of Makran coastal areas in southeast Iran and added that its development will help the development of other coastal areas of the country to a great extent.
Jul 17, 2023
Number of visit 1839
Iran expands shipping activity in North Africa
TEHRAN, Jul. 13 (MNA) – A ship operated by the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL) has docked and unloaded at a port in Libya amid Iran’s efforts to increase its export activity in Africa.
IRISL’s deputy for marketing Amir Bayat said on Thursday that the Iranian ship that left Libya earlier in the day was the second to dock in the North African country in less than two months.
Bayat said the IRISL currently sends container and dry bulk ships to ports in East Africa every two weeks, adding that Iranian ships also dock at North African ports at least once per month.
He said Iran’s shipping activity in Libya is expected to increase with a return of calm to the North African country.
The official said the IRISL is seeking to launch a regional office in Africa amid a surge in exports from Iran to the region.
The announcement came as Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi was in Africa on a three-day tour that took him to Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe.
The trip that ended late on Thursday has been viewed as a major step by Iran to boost its trade ties with African countries as Tehran seeks to capture a larger share of the export markets in the region.
Iran has increasingly relied on non-oil trade in recent years amid sanctions imposed by the United Sates which restrict its access to oil revenues.
IRISL’s increased shipping activity in Africa comes as figures by the Iranian customs office show that trade with African countries more than doubled in the calendar year to March 20.
Iranian Foreign Ministry figures also show that Iran signed nearly 50 economic and trade cooperation agreements with African countries in the year to late March.
Jul 17, 2023
Number of visit 1801
130,000 Ships Dock at Iran Ports Annually despite Sanctions
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Referring to the annual docking of 130,000 vessels at Iran’s ports, a deputy minister of roads and urban development said foreign investment has been made under FDI in the shipping, port and logistics fields despite the sanctions imposed against the country.
Ali Akbar Safaei said 130,000 ships made port calls in Iran in spite of the sanctions imposed against the country.
Various expert-level sessions and fruitful talks have been held with the neighboring and target countries in the maritime and ports sector, he said, adding, “In addition, we succeeded in concentrating a major part of the foreign investment on the construction of International North-South Transport Corridor.”
Elsewhere in his remarks, the chief executive of Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) pointed to a trilateral meeting held recently between Iran, India and Russia and stressed that the country will witness the attraction of significant foreign investment in the shipping, portal and logistics fields.
Preventing Iran from sending its ships to international waters was one of the main aims of ill-wishers of the country, he said, adding that Iran is equipped with the world’s most modern technology in the transportation industry.
With designing the automatic monitoring systems of the vessels, radar systems and electronic maps, the Ports and Maritime Organization has managed to design the integrated system in line with monitoring any transit and activity of the vessels precisely, Safaei highlighted.
Jul 17, 2023
Number of visit 1296
Chabahar port is a golden opportunity for India: envoy
TEHRAN – India’s Ambassador to Tehran Rudra Gaurav Shresth has said Iran’s southeastern Chabahar Port is a golden opportunity for India to expand its economic ties, IRNA reported.
“Chabahar's position in the expansion of trade exchanges in West Asia, Eurasia, and even Europe is unique,” Shresth said on Friday during a visit to the port.
“This trip is planned with the purpose of visiting the port’s infrastructure to implement our investment commitments,” the ambassador told the press.
The official called on the members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) to take the necessary measures for using the capacities of the Chabahar port.
“The North-South International Transport Corridor can serve as a safe and efficient route for landlocked countries in Central Asia to access the Indian Ocean, and we all must strive to realize the corridor’s full potential,” the official added.
During the trip to Chabahar Port, Shresth visited Shahid Beheshti and Shahid Kalantari ports, Chabahar’s Marine Traffic Control Tower, Shahid Kalantari Port Passenger Terminal, as well as the basin and access channel to Shahid Beheshti and Shahid Kalantari ports.
As Iran's only oceanic port on the Gulf of Oman, Chabahar Port holds great significance for the country both politically and economically. The country has taken serious measures for developing this port in order to improve the country’s maritime trade.
The port consists of Shahid Kalantari and Shahid Beheshti terminals, each of which has five berth facilities. The port is located in Iran’s Sistan-Baluchestan Province and is about 120 kilometers southwest of Pakistan’s Baluchistan Province, where the China-funded Gwadar port is situated.
In May 2016, India, Iran, and Afghanistan signed a trilateral agreement for the strategically-located Chabahar port to give New Delhi access to Kabul and Central Asia.
Later, based on a separate deal with Iran, India agreed to install and operate modern loading and unloading equipment including mobile harbor cranes in Shahid Beheshti Port in Chabahar.
Under the framework of the mentioned agreement, the Indian side has been operating in Shahid Beheshti port in the form of a build–operate–transfer (BOT) contract; this is the first time that such a contract has been implemented in one of the country's ports with 100 percent foreign investment.
The first consignment of Indian equipment for the development of port activities at Chabahar port worth $8.5 million arrived in the southeastern port in January 2021.
Jul 17, 2023
Number of visit 1313
Iran, Russia, India to promote freight transit through INSTC
TEHRAN - The founding member states of the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC), namely Iran, Russia, and India, gathered for the third time in Tehran on Tuesday, to discuss solutions for promoting freight transit through the newly developed international corridor.
The event, dubbed “Iran Rah” was attended by senior officials from the three countries including Iranian Transport and Urban Development Minister Mehrdad Bazrpash, Head of Iran's Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) Ali-Akbar Safaei, Deputy National Security Advisor of India Vikram Misri, and Senior Aide to the president of the Russian Federation Igor Yevgenyevich Levitin.
Speaking at the meeting, Bazrpash underlined some of the Islamic Republic’s major principles regarding the promotion of INSTC including multilateralism, partnership, transit neighborhood, networking, facilitation of trade, and intelligent and technological development of transit, and called for maximum collaboration for the development of exchanges through the INSTC.
Further in the meeting, PMO Head Ali-Akbar Safaei mentioned some of the advantages of transit through Iran for the countries in the regions and said: “Iran's joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Eurasian Economic Union will provide unique opportunities to the country’s trade partners, and the Islamic Republic is determined to remove all its tariff and non-tariff barriers in the shortest possible time.”
The main rationale for these trilateral meetings is to promote freight transit between India and Russia and other Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea countries, Safaei said.
Elsewhere in the gathering, Misri emphasized India’s determination to cooperate with Iran and Russia for completing the INSTC, saying: “India has been a participant in various initiatives and projects regarding the north-south corridor and has always been committed to providing its resources in the best way to the implementers so that this corridor is developed in the best way possible.”
Lavitin for his part called the INSTC a humanitarian corridor and asked the countries of the region to join this corridor to achieve its goals.
He underlined the definition of a single policy for trade through this corridor as the most important requirement for the development of trade in this initiative and added: “The main issue discussed in this meeting is defining the same framework and reaching a common understanding for all the business operators that are willing to use this route.”
Established in 2000 by Iran, Russia, and India, this 7,200-km-long INSTC works as a multi-modal network of ship, rail, and road routes for moving freight between India, Iran, Azerbaijan, Russia, Central Asia, and Europe.
Geographically, Iran's territory, particularly the Chabahar port, is very strategic for the activation of the INSTC in linking India to Russia.
The INSTC is also an important transport agenda that is expected to considerably boost the transit and trade of Iran and Russia with the countries of the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf.
Jul 17, 2023
Number of visit 1285
PMO Clarifies about Panamanian Registration of Iranian Vessels
The Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) as the duly authorized maritime administration of the Islamic Republic of Iran released a statement and explained about the registration of Iranian-related vessels by the Government of Panama, widely covered by Iranian and international media.

According to the PMO News Portal, the statement is as follows:

All vessels belonging to the Iranian shipping companies currently operate under the glorious Iranian flag, and the Iranian fleet with a sizeable tonnage ranking among the first 20 largest ship-owning countries of the world, serve the maritime transport of the country to provide for the cargo import and export demands.

Iranian flagged vessels fully and favorably comply with international standards and conventions, as well as national legislations and regulations, which has been proven and confirmed by Port State Control (PSC) inspections reports issued by PSC MoUs around the world.

Moreover, Iranian seafarers possess the required competence and expertise, as endorsed by the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Thanks to the effective measures taken in the past 30 years to promote the quality and quantity of maritime education in the country, it is our pleasure to announce that a high majority of officers serving on Iranian vessels are Iranian seafarers.

It must be emphasized that such actions are not only considered false and trivial, but also emanate from the political pressure exerted by the Government of the United States of America.

The Panamanian Government is also advised to be aware of the actions and behaviors, and the international and legal impacts of such groundless statements and claims, which will not affect the Iranian maritime trade, stand in clear contradiction to norms of international commercial freedom and the spirit of international maritime conventions that encourage nations and states to promote their cooperation on various levels, as well as Articles 1 and 2 of the IMO Convention ratified by both the Iranian and Panamanian Governments. By virtue of the mentioned articles, Member States to IMO as a subsidiary of the United Nations undertake to refrain from creating any limitations to commercial shipping or committing any discriminatory behavior.

Jan 23, 2023
Number of visit 875
CEO of the Ports and Maritime Organization of iran congratulated the beginning of the new year
Ali Akbar Safaei, Deputy Minister of Roads and Urban Development and CEO of the Ports and Maritime Organization. In a message, congratulated the birth of the Prophet Jesus (PBUH) and the beginning of the new year.

According to the Public relation and International Management of the Ports and Maritime Organization, this message states:

I sincerely congratulate all the monotheists of the world and dear fellow Christians on the arrival of the birth of the prophet of peace and kindness, "Jesus, star of Bethlehem " and the beginning of the New Year.

The teachings of divine prophets, especially Jesus (pbuh) and the beloved Prophet of Islam, based on altruism, kindness and morality, are the basic needs of today's dangerous world, and the achievement of a safer world and kinder people can only be achieved by adhering to high values. Humanity and exemplary behavior cannot be obtained from the life of the prophets.

Iran, the eternal land of art and thought and the encyclopedia of culture, civilization, history, art and spirituality, has been a valuable heritage of peaceful coexistence of monotheistic religions throughout history.

I hope, in the light of the infinite favors of ALLAH, 2023 will be the beginning of a new chapter in the consolidation and deepening of peace and friendship and peaceful coexistence and avoiding any extremism in the world, and as in the past, effective steps in the development and expansion of economic and trade relations between international and witness bright days for the world.

Jan 1, 2023
Number of visit 1815
Iran Repairing Russian Cargo Ship Damaged on Volga River
The acting head of the Iranian Marine Industrial Company (IMIC), Meysam Rayatazad has said that a Russian bulk carrier is being repaired in Iran after being damaged by chunks of ice on the Volga River.
He added that the Islamic Republic intends to take on 20% of all ship repairs in the Caspian Sea.
Iran Marine Industrial Company (SADRA) is affiliated with the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), which is building  Aframax 2 tankers  for Venezuela.
Iran announced in early September it was helping to repair several Russian civilian aircraft.
Iran recently bought eight vessels as part of plans to expand trade with Russia through the Volga River starting in the spring of 2023. Russia is finalizing rules that would give ships from Iran the right of passage along inland waterways on the Volga and Don rivers, according to Iran’s Maritime News Agency.
Russia and Iran are building a new transcontinental trade route stretching from the eastern edge of Europe to the Indian Ocean, a 3,000–kilometer (1,860–mile) passage. The two countries are spending billions of dollars to speed up the delivery of cargo along rivers and railways linked by the Caspian Sea, according to Bloomberg.
Russia is planning to invest $1 billion to improve navigability across the Azov, into the Don River and across the canal linked to the Volga. Ships sailing the Don and Volga rivers have traditionally traded energy and agricultural commodities, as Iran is the third-largest importer of Russian grain. The two countries have announced a raft of new business deals that cover goods including turbines, polymers, medical supplies and automotive parts.
In early May, Iran’s northern port of Noshahr welcomed the first Russian roll-on/roll-off (Ro-Ro) cargo vessel in 21 years.
On June 11, the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) began operation with the first shipment from Russia to India. The first shipment  transiting the Russia-Iran-India multimodal route passed through Astrakhan Port (Russia), Iran’s ports of Bandar Abbas and Chabahar and the Indian port of Nhava Sheva Port. In addition, Iran and Russia reached an initial agreement for launching a joint shipbuilding venture in the Caspian Sea on June 17.
Source: caspiannews
Jan 1, 2023
Number of visit 1792
Iran Would Facilitate Trade  for Kazakh
A Kazakh delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade and Integration Serik Zhumangarin visited the Bandar Abbas port in early November 2022.

Mr Hosein Abbasnejad Director General of Port and Maritime Organization of Hormozgan Province expressed its readiness to prepare facilities in the Bandar Abbas port for the Kazakhstan, which would facilitate the trade and transport of grain.

A Kazakh delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade and Integration Serik Zhumangarin visited the Bandar Abbas port and "expressed interest in creating their own transshipment facilities on the coast of the Persian Gulf," the Kazakh premier ministry’s office reported on November 3.

The Iranian side agreed to reserve land for the construction of an inland terminal in the port of Bandar Abbas. A working group will be created jointly with the administration of the port of Bandar Abbas and representatives of Kazakh businesses to study the possibilities of building silos to increase Kazakh grain transshipment volumes.

During the visit, the Kazakh deputy PM, Serik Zhumangarin signed an agreement with Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Mahdi Safari to increase grain exports. They also discussed the possibility of increasing the volume of trade between Kazakhstan and Iran to $3 billion and boosting bilateral agricultural trade to $1 billion.

"We are interested in increasing the volume of mutual trade in agro-industrial products with Iran up to $1 billion, as well as deliveries to the markets of Pakistan, India, Southeast Asia and East Africa, which are new to Kazakhstan," Zhumangarin said.

He said that “our proposal to Iran is not only about building a grain terminal, but also includes related structures and equipment, including wheat and flour warehouses, cold stores and equipment for storing meat,” and added that the private sector of Kazakhstan will pay for the implementation of this project, in case of reaching an agreement with Iran.

The Iranian and Kazakh officials also discussed the possibility of developing existing container routes in the direction of Iran and in transit through this country. Currently, there are three railroad routes, and favorable tariff conditions have been established for container shipments in the direction of Iran and further to third countries.

Iranian Transport and Urban Development Minister Rostam Qasemi said on October 31 that “Kazakhstan is going to cooperate with Iran in rail, road, sea and air transportation and cargo transfer through the North-South and East-West corridors".

Currently, between the two countries, there is a memorandum on the supply of grain crops from Kazakhstan to Iran in the amount of 1 million tons, as well as a memorandum on Kazakhstan-Iran cooperation in trade and transit of agricultural products for the supply of Kazakh grain and oil crops, vegetable oils, confectionery, meat products, and the supply of vegetables, fruits and dairy products from Iran.

In mid-June, the Kazakh and Iranian presidents attended a ceremony to launch a train service from Kazakhstan to Turkey via Iran. The Iran-Kazakhstan transit pact signed on May 23 requires cargo from China to Europe to switch to the Iranian route. Before this, Chinese cargo was transported to Europe via Russia by a land route north of the Caspian Sea.

Nov 28, 2022
Number of visit 1414
Development of trade exchanges and bilateral cooperation between Iran and Russia/ Holding a joint exhibition between Gilan and Tomsk, Russia
The Tomsk province of Russia’s head of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, accompanied by the Director General of Ports and Maritime Authority of Guilan Province, visited the infrastructure and capabilities of the Anzali port complex, referring to the development of trade exchanges and bilateral cooperation between Iran and Russia, said:” we are so interested in holding an exhibition in order to Introduce the products and commercial goods of Tomsk province of Russia in Gilan province.”
According to PMO portal, Maxim Kastarov, The head of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tomsk province, during his visit to the infrastructures and capabilities of Anzali port complex, emphasizing on bilateral cooperation, said: Considering the capacities of Anzali port, we are very eager to hold a joint exhibition to introduce the products and commercial goods of Tomsk province in Gilan province.
He regarding the joint ventures between Tomsk of Russia and Bandar Anzali, stated: “Good offers were made during today's visit in order to the joint ventures, and we should transfer the discussed subjects to Russia, and I think the Russian side is also interested in this topic.”
Last week, the Deputy Minister of Roads and the CEO of the Ports and Maritime Organization announced:" the part of Russia's foreign trade transfered through Iran with a transit capacity of 50 million tons."
Nov 22, 2022
Number of visit 1376
Maersk Warning of Recession  Signals/ forecasting an overall decline in demand of between -2 and -4 percent
Maersk cautioned of increasingly challenging times ahead for the shipping industry reporting that its volumes were off in the latest quarter and that is clear that freight rates have peaked. Seen as a bellwether for global trade and the economy, Maersk’s latest quarterly financial report added to the growing fears for a global recession.

”Our third quarter result was another record and the 16th quarter in a row with year-on-year earnings growth. Ocean freight rates, which have driven the exceptional results we have delivered in 2022, were again up both year-on-year and compared to the second quarter. However, it is clear that freight rates have peaked and started to normalize during the quarter, driven by both decreasing demand and easing of supply chain congestion,” said Søren Skou, CEO of A.P. Moller - Maersk.

Elaborating on his comments, Skou told the Financial Times “every indicator we are looking at is flashing dark red.” He said that the shipping giant sees a recession looming that will confirm if the shipping industry has become more rational due to consolidation. He also points to Maersk’s decision to maintain its capacity in the 4.1 to 4.3 million TEU mark as opposed to competitors that placed large newbuild orders during the recent surge in shipping volumes.

Given the unfolding economic slowdown, Maersk told shareholders that it has lowered its outlook for 2022 growth in global consumer demand. The company is now forecasting an overall decline in demand of between -2 and -4 percent. It had previously said that it expected demand to range between 1 percent positive and 1 percent negative for 2022.

The slowing demand took a toll on loaded volumes during the most recent quarter, which were down 7.6 percent year-over-year. In particular, Maersk said it experienced declines in AsiaEurope and the Transpacific markets. Despite that, Maersk said its utilization of offered capacity remained strong at 90.4 percent in the quarter, while Skou noted that the company was prepared to reduce offered capacity to reflect future market trends. It has been widely anticipated that Maersk like other large carriers would begin to layup containerships to reduce the capacity in the market.

Adding further pressure, Maersk also reported a 16 percent increase in bunker costs as well as other cost increases. They cited higher time charter equivalent cost, transportation and storage costs for containers, and net slot charter cost in addition to the lower volumes.

Despite the looming issues, Maersk still reported a strong increase in profitability for its ocean shipping operations in the quarter. They said it was driven by higher freight rates on both contract and shipments. The average freight rate was up 42 percent year-over-year and even with weakening demand during the quarter they still achieved a 1.3 percent increase in average loaded freight rates versus the prior quarter. 

Maersk’s ocean shipping business saw revenues increase by more than a third in the quarter to $18 billion while the overall corporate revenues reached $22.8 billion with strong growth in logistics revenues due to acquisitions. Earnings reached $9.5 billion (EBIT) for the quarter.  Over the past 12 months, the shipping business has delivered an EBIT margin of nearly 47 percent versus a target under normalized conditions for a 6 percent margin.

Despite the expectations for further weakening in the fourth quarter, Maersk confirmed its earlier forecast for the year. The company continues to expect earnings of around $31 billion (EBIT) and that the businesses would generate about $24 billion in free cash flow for the year.

Nov 9, 2022
Number of visit 1759
The readiness of the Qataris for establishing a joint smart port in Bushehr/Al Ruwais Port of Qatar will become a communication market with Iran
The vice economic of president referring Qataris welcome for the joint investment development with Bushehr province, said:” Economic cooperation between Iran and Qatar will strengthen through Bushehr province.”
According to PMO portal, Mohsen Rezaei in the meeting of the economic, employment and investment working group of Bushehr province on Thursday noon November 3th, referring to the readiness of the Qataris to establish a joint smart port in Bushehr province, stated:” the Emir of Qatar has ordered that Al Ruwais port to become a communication market with Iran.”
He continued:" Regional markets are a very suitable platform for the export of Iran's manufactured goods, and we can gain the markets of the region with the development of the popular economy and the completion and activation of the valued chains. “
This official said: “Qatari officials are ready to build large warehouses in Al Ruwais port so that the goods from Bushehr can be stored in these warehouses and distributed in the Persian Gulf region.”
 Rezaei referring to the readiness for the export of livestock products from Bushehr to Qatar noted:" Iranian land and work force and Qataris' investment can form a large economic market for the production and export of Iranian goods in the region and the world."
Nov 6, 2022
Number of visit 1216
German Gov't Green-Lights COSCO's Hamburg Terminal Stake
Germany's federal government has resolved an internal debate and will allow China COSCO to buy a stake in a Hamburg container terminal, despite national security concerns, according to German paper Suddeutsche Zeitung.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's office has pushed to approve China Cosco's bid to buy a 35 percent stake in the Tollerort container terminal at Hamburg, despite opposition from six federal ministries in his own government, German public broadcasters NDR and WDR reported last week. That conflict now appears to have been resolved by negotiating down the size of COSCO's stake, and all six ministries are now said to be in agreement.
If the political approval goes through as reported, and if COSCO is interested in the revised terms, the Chinese state-owned shipping line would be allowed to purchase a 24.9 percent stake in the terminal. By reducing the stake by 10.1 percentage points, the share would be small enough that COSCO would not have direct influence over the terminal's operations.

COSCO is already Tollerort's primary customer, "A rejection of the Chinese would be a disaster not only for the port but for Germany," Hafen Hamburg marketing head Axel Mattern told Reuters last month.

Nov 2, 2022
Number of visit 1171
The meeting of Chairman of the Eurasian Economic Union and Trade Council with the deputy of port affairs of the ports organization/ expressing the interest of Eurasia for transit investment in Iranian ports
Daniyal Ebraif, Chairman of the Eurasian Economic Union and Trade Council in the meeting that was held with Jalil Eslami, the deputy of port and economic affairs of the Ports and Maritime Organization, informed about the interest of this union for transit investment in Iranian ports and the development of port and maritime cooperation.
As reported by the PMO portal, The Chairman of the Eurasian Economic Union and Trade Council who have traveled to Iran for economic negotiations, emphasized at the meeting: “Iran's commercial ports in the north and south have a very convenient position for the transit of goods to the countries of northern Europe and the countries of south of the Persian Gulf. “
Stating that Iran's ports have the advantage of free and special economic zones, he added: Transit through Shahid Rajaei and Chabahar ports in the south and Anzali port can be pleasant for Central Asian countries.
 At this meeting, Jalil Eslami also stated that Iran's ports are located on the transit route from north to south and east to west, and emphasized:” the Ports and Maritime Organization supports foreign investment in ports and any port and maritime cooperation development with neighboring countries is welcomed and supported.”
Oct 29, 2022
Number of visit 1079
The dredging of Astara port by PMO is a very positive event for the northern ports/ using the ports' capacity will solve the employment problem.
A member of the Representative assembly of Gilan Province in the Islamic Consultative Assembly Emphasizing that continuous and timely dredging of the country's ports can boost the country's maritime transport, said: "The dredging of Astara port by the Ports and Maritime Organization is a very positive event for the northern ports of the country."
Mohammadreza Ahmadi, be interviewed by with Pmo Portal, referring to the completion of the dredging operation of Astara port and the positive event that will happen to this port and other northern ports of the country after it, said: “dredging is the first step that lays the foundation for the next activities of the maritime transportation and it will provide the traffic of different vessels and ships of different sizes.”
 He continued: "Certainly, in case of continuous dredging of ports and creating suitable conditions for dredging and traffic of vessels, we will see the mobility of the country's ports, and this will cause positive events happen in the export and import sector."
 This member, stating that economic activists need suitable conditions in the field of transportation in order to carry out their activities then said: “Commercial activities, including export and import, have requirements which is needed by economic activists, maritime transportation is one of most part of transportation that can create suitable conditions in this regard, and the Ports and Maritime Organization properly takes steps towards the development of maritime transportation in the country by dredging various ports.”
 He emphasizing that job creation is another important issue that will be determined by the prosperity of the country's ports, said: “the prosperity of the ports will improve the unemployment situation and job creation in the country and we will see the creation of various jobs in the coastal strip of the country and according to the God-given capacities of Dear Iran, in the maritime and port sector, we must benefit from the capacity of all our small and large ports for sure.”
He added: “The dredging of Astara port by the Ports and Maritime Organization is a very positive event for the northern ports of the country, and if the capacity of the northern ports of the country is properly utilized, it will definitely help the set of activities related to maritime transportation.”
Oct 1, 2022
Number of visit 952
Statement of the Ports and Maritime Organization regarding the status of the crew on 2 Greek ships whose cargo was seized in Iran
The Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) of the Islamic Republic of Iran published a statement and elaborated on the latest status of the seized cargo of two tanker vessels MT Delta Poseidon and MT Prudent Warrior, and their crews.

According to the PMO News Portal, that statement stipulated that the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in line with her human and humanitarian duties, as implementation of her international obligations, and in full cooperation with the relevant ship owners, provided all necessary services to ships at the anchorage and their crew.

The Greek ship owners have also acted regarding the movement of the crew based on the procedure customary in the maritime transport industry, considering the maintenance and improvement of ship safety and for implementation of the provisions of the Maritime Labor Convention (MLC 2006), and PMO thus provided the necessary cooperation.

It must be noted that the crew of the ships had not been detained, and performed their activities and duties on their ships, according to the national regulations of the Islamic Republic of Iran and international maritime conventions.

Moreover, the judgment on the seized cargo of two tanker vessels MT Delta Poseidon and MT Prudent Warrior has been taken into consideration by the competent judicial authorities, and pursuant to the complaint by the cargo owner of the Iranian ship MT Lana, whose cargo was seized in Greece.

Sep 14, 2022
Number of visit 2078
Ballast water treatment system built in Iran
An Iranian knowledge-based company receives the approval of GESAMP for the ballast water treatment system.
An Iranian knowledge-based company has received the approval for the ballast water treatment system by the Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP) at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) which is a great success for maritime transportation, Deputy Minister and CEO of the Ports and Maritime Organization, Ali Akbar Safaei, informed.
The convention on the management of ships' ballast water for preventing transfer of harmful aquatic organisms through ships' ballast water has come into force since September 8, 2017, and one of the requirements of this convention is the use of a ballast water treatment system before discharging the water of ships' ballast tanks into the sea. So, the ships traveling on international voyages are obliged to install the processing system on board according to the schedule.
The CEO of the Ports and Maritime Organization stated that the production of this device has special technical complications and so far, 94 processing systems in the world have been able to receive final approval from the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). In this regard, during the last 2 years, a knowledge-based company in Iran has succeeded in producing a sample of ballast water processing (called RADClean).
According to the Ports and Maritime Organization, the processing system received the initial approval from the International Maritime Organization last year and has currently received the final approval from the GESAMP specialized working group affiliated to the MEPC committee and after being put on the agenda of the 79th session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (December this year), it will be ready for commercial production and installation on Iranian and non-Iranian commercial ships.
Sep 7, 2022
Number of visit 2138
Transit through Iran’s commercial ports increases 44%
Transit of goods via Iran’s commercial ports has increased by 44 percent since the beginning of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21), according to the head of the country’s Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO).

“Port transit has grown by 44 percent this year, and despite the restrictions caused by the sanctions, the development plans of this organization in various sectors and areas are being pursued seriously,” Ali-Akbar Safaei said at a meeting of the organization’s supreme council on Monday.

As reported by the TPO portal, the meeting was attended by senior officials including the representatives of Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Transport and Urban Development, Planning and Budget Organization (PBO), and the members of the PMO executive committee, as well as a group of managers with this organization.

Speaking at the meeting, Safaei stated that currently, more than 200 large and small commercial ports are providing services to regulate sea traffic and ship goods in the north and south of the country.

He pointed to the development of the marine fleet as one of the most serious demands of this organization from commercial shipping companies and announced the purchase of eight large commercial vessels to operate in the Caspian Sea and the order to build four ocean-going vessels in the south of the country.

Elsewhere in the gathering, Mehdi Nourani, head of the Center for Assembly Affairs and Contract Supervision at the Transport Ministry, pointed to the positive performance of the PMO in the current year, saying that there have been improvements in various sectors including port transit, loading and unloading of goods, growth of non-governmental investments and development of port infrastructure, especially in small ports.

Referring to the government’s new approach for the development of port and maritime cooperation with neighboring countries and the region, he emphasized: “By using the capacities of all entities and institutions active in the field of trade, it is possible to increase the contribution of the Ports and Maritime Organization in international trade.”

Aug 2, 2022
Number of visit 3003
The conference has experienced an unprecedented increase in papers received compared to ICOPMAS 2018.
The executive secretary of the 14th International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures mentioned that due to the outbreak of coronavirus, the conference was postponed from 2020 to 2022. Although it was anticipated a decrease in contributions, it can be confirmed that the conference has seen a significant increase in participants, with over 220 papers received.
Rasoul Ghanbari, chair of the executive committee mentioned that based on the call, which was announced previously, ICOPMAS 2022 will be held from October 31 to November 2.
Additionally, since the deadline for the submission of papers for ICOPMAS 2022 has passed, we would like to invite universities, scientific and research institutions, consulting engineers, as well as the public and private sectors, to participate in holding workshops.
The proposals will be accepted for workshops through the email address: or by calling the following numbers: 02184932346 and 02184932738 until August 22nd.
Jul 30, 2022
Number of visit 2538
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