
Lease contract of Shahid Rajaee Container Terminal I



Ports & Maritime Organization

Ports & Maritime Organization


Qualification Notice

Ports & Maritime Organization (PMO), I.R.Iran


Pursuant to the Resolution of the PMO'S Board of Directors dated 18 January 2016, The Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) of the Islamic Republic of Iran envisages tendering the operation of container terminal 1 of Shahid Rajaee Port based on a 5- year lease contractual framework, with a view to promote quality and efficiency of its services, increase volume throughput of the cargo and container and gain an increased and sustainable share of domestic, regional and international market.


The qualification is a two-stage process. At the first stage, all interested firms meeting the requirements set out in the qualification process shall supply their information (technical, operational, financial and etc) and the PMO shall provide a long list of the interested parties. Subsequently, a shortlist, on the basis of the qualification criteria shall be provided and the interested parties included in the short list shall be invited to participate in the tender. Finally, the contract will be award to the applicant providing the best proposal.



The name of the Organization issuing Qualification Notice : Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO)


With the address of: No 1, PMO building, Shahidi St., Haghani Expressway, Vanak Sq., Tehran, Iran


The subject of qualification notice : Lease contract of Shahid Rajaee Container Terminal I


Date, time-limit and address


The date of purchase of documents commences on 11June 2016 and ends in 5 July 2016


The documents must be submitted not later than 20 July 2016


The qualification documents can be collected in two manners: in person & through website


Collection of documents in person:

PMO Secretariat, Phone number: 0098 21 84932645

The applicant must collect the documents within the deadline set out in para 4-1.

Collection of documents through website

The applicants must visit the website: WWW.IETS.MPORG.IR and WWW.PMO.IR

If the applicant fails to download documents completely and appropriately from the website, the applicant shall bear all responsibilities and consequences thereto and the PMO shall bear no responsibility.


The qualification documents must be completed and submitted to the PMO Secretariat no later than the deadline set out in para 4-2 against a receipt.


The packets containing prequalification documents shall be opened by the Initial Processing Commission on Saturday, 23 July 2016


The Initial Processing Commission shall convene in: Port and Maritime Organization


The applicants may apply for the qualification stage in a joint-venture with a foreign firm in accordance with the conditions set out in qualification documents.


If the applicants have any enquiry or seek any clarification on the qualification documents, they should attend a briefing session scheduled to be held on 2 July 2016 at 9:00 at the Conference Room, 12th floor, Ports and Maritime Headquarters, Tehran. It is to be noted that no question, criticism or protest shall be dealt with after the above session.