
Head of Iran's Ports and Maritime Organization's message to the 33rd meeting of the IMO Assembly/ Iran is committed to all the requirements and international maritime treaties

In a message to the 33rd session of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in London, the Deputy Minister of Roads and Urban Development and the CEO of the Ports and Maritime Organization emphasized the compliance of the requirements contained in the maritime treaties by the Islamic Republic of Iran and Iran's constructive cooperation with the sea and coast governments and international organizations.
At the beginning of this message, which was read by Ali Akbar Marzban, Director General of Maritime Affairs, Specialized and International Organizations of this entity in a video conference with the IMO Assembly, having declared disgust and condemned the brutal attacks of the Israeli occupying forces against the oppressed and defenseless people of Palestine in Gaza, he reflected Iran's dissatisfaction against the American and British governments obstruction of holding a parallel event of World Maritime Day in Tehran and the discriminatory and destructive actions of the American government against Iranian-flagged ships.
According to the report, the message reads:
In the name of God, the compassionate, the merciful
First of all, I would like to remind you of the innocent and undefended people of Gaza. These days and in this civilized world, a genocide is happening in a small part of Palestine land. The nation and the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, like many others in the world, have strongly manifested their hatred towards these violent crimes by the occupying Zionist Regime, and condemn the serious  bombardment and shuddering criminal actions against the women, children, infants, hospitals and schools in Gaza. 
(Now my general statement addressing the IMO Assembly)
His Excellency, President of Assembly
His Excellency, Secretary General of IMO
The distinguished Representatives of IMO Member States and the International Organizations
Ladies and Gentlemen,
First, we would like to express our sincere congratulations for the assignment of the president for the 33rd session of IMO Assembly. I hope that the Assembly could attain its objectives.
Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Maritime economy, including maritime transportation has always been the top priority of national policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In this regard, in November 2023, the general policies in relation with maritime economy development, have, with the consultation of all stakeholders, been developed by the State Expediency Discernment Council and approved by the Supreme Leader of the country, His Excellency Ayatollah Khamenei. We believe that a substantial portion of these policies will be implemented in line with the constructive interactions and cooperation with other nations, particularly with the governments in the region and international organizations, on top of which being IMO. Surely, that would happen within a peaceful, safe and secure atmosphere and environment. 
In this line, the Islamic Republic of Iran has always been obliged to complying with the requirements as set out in the related maritime treaties. We all know that the governing spirit of all these instruments and the IMO convention is promoting the collateral partnership and cooperation of member states. However, unfortunately, we have witnessed that the US government acts against the provisions of the IMO Convention, SOLAS and other treaties and continuously disrupts the services being provided to the Iranian flagged ships, including the satellite services. Therefore, it is expected that all key players including contracting governments, IMO and IMSO prevent and hinder these discriminatory actions by all means, as they are in clear conflict with the above - mentioned principles.
Mr. President,  Secretary General,  Ladies and Gentlemen, According to IMO Council approval, it was decided that the Islamic Republic of Iran would be hosting the World Maritime Day Parallel Event in October 2023. However, in 129th session of IMO Council, the US and the UK governments prevented this event to be held, presenting some absurd accusations. We would like to express our dissatisfaction of this unprofessional and immoral action, which happened with a political influence and propaganda. We urge the IMO member states to be vigilant and never let IMO divert from its technical and professional path.

Finally, I would like to thank and appreciate Mr. Kitack Lim for his precious endeavors during his leadership as IMO secretary general and ask God to give him and his family the best of luck and health.

Meanwhile, I wish to commemorate our late IMO representative, Mrs. Mandana Mansoorian, the vice chair of IMO’s technical cooperation committee, who passed away in February 2023 due to an illness. I pray for her soul to rest and be in peace.
I wish you all the best and thank you for listening to my speech
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
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