
First Ship Carrying Petrochemical Unit Construction Equipment Berthed in Shahid Beheshti Port

First Ship Carrying Petrochemical Unit Construction Equipment Berthed in Shahid Beheshti Port
MV Rushmore, carrying the first equipment consignment to construct petrochemical units, was berthed in Chabahar Port.

According to the News Portal of the Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO), the mentioned vessel was loaded in the ports of Ortonoya, Italy and Constanta, Romania, directly shipped to Chabahar Port, and discharged in Shahid Beheshti berth.

The report continued that PMO's investment in establishing port infrastructures, supplying strategic loading and discharge equipment through the Chabahar Port Development Plan, had provided for berthing of different ships with high drafts, leaving no limitation for loading and discharge operations in the mentioned port.

Some of the imported equipment weighed over 353 tons, which were to be transferred directly to the site for constructing the petrochemical complex in Chabahar Free Trade Zone (FTZ).


Sunday Aug 5, 2018
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