Ports and Maritime Organization
Announcement for a Two-Phase Public International Tender No.95/ME/1055
Tender Subject: Building, Shipping and delivery of two Multipurpose Mother Search and Rescue Vessel units for Shahid Beheshti port of Chabahar
This is hereby to announce that ports and maritime organization of I.R.Iran intends to hold a two- phase public international tender and after conducting qualitative assessment to enhance safety of traffic within Iranian territorial waters.
* All local and foreign companies are invited to refer to the central PMO secretariat at the below address together with a written introduction letter and the original Bank bill of 500,000 Iranian Rials paid to PMO SIBA account No.2176459001009, by Bank Melli Iran, maximum till Sunday 31/ Jul./2016, to receive the relevant CD consisting qualitative assessment and tender documents of tender bid, or IETS.MPORG.IR website to receive the said tender documents online.(The said paid amount cannot be reimbursed)
* Place and closing date for submitting tender bid: Central Secretariat of the PMO located at the ground floor of PMO building and till 15:00 (Tehran the Local time) on Wednesday 31/Aug/2016.
* The qualitative assessment documents will be opened at 10:00 A.M on Saturday 3/Sep/2016 at PMO Directorate General for Equipment Supply & maintenance.
* Tender deposit is an unconditional and multiple extendable bank guarantees to the amount of 21,000,000,000 Iranian Rials or its equivalent sum of 600,000 Euro.
* The newspaper advertisement cost shall be borne by the tender winner.
* Meanwhile, the first Q&A session of the captioned tender will be held at 10:00 A.M on Wednesday 3/Aug/2016 and the second Q&A session will be held at 10:00 A.M on Wednesday 24/Aug/2016 at the fifth floor of the PMO building and attendance of all bidder companies and/or their informed technical and commercial representatives which have received tender documents and willing to submit their bid at the said sessions is obligatory.
* The bidder companies shall observe the relevant Iranian law of using the Maximum Local Capabilities.
Important note: The technical and commercial envelopes of tender bid documents of the qualified bidder companies will be opened during a joint meeting in presence of the relevant representatives after completion of qualitative assessment.
* The tender holder and particulars: Ports and Maritime Organization, no.1, Dr.Shahidi St., Haghani Exp'way, Vanak Sq., Tehran, Iran. Tel: +98-21- 84932351 Fax: +98-21- 88651066.
E-mail: Technical@pmo.ir
For further information please directly refer to our website at: IETS.MPORG.IR